"the Kingdom of God is within you" Luke 17:21
Oswald Chambers writes, "The central thing about the kingdom of Jesus Christ is a personal relationship to Himself, not public usefulness to men.... if you waste your time in over-active energies instead of getting into soak on the great fundamental truths of God's Redemption, you will snap when the strain comes; but if this time of soaking before God is spent in getting rooted and grounded in God ... you will remain true to Him whatever happens."
Included today are two pictures of Tomasita, resident of Casa MAMi (and the oldest of all girls). Last night Elma called to say that Tomasita was seen running away from school on Thursday. They do not know where she is. She was last seen "wandering disoriented in the colonia". Tomasita arrived at Casa MAMi when she was 12, after having been prostituted by her family. She is mentally slow and, since turning 18, has worked at Casa MAMi and helped in a variety of ways. Recently she has been in school studying computers. She has lots of struggles but has felt much love and support at the home; and known Christ's love for her.
Elma was relieved when Tomasita called her to say that she wanted to find her family now that she is almost 20 years old. The family is poor and lives 40 miles from Reynosa. The police are trying to find Tomasita. Elma doesn't know how she is getting around; if anyone is helping her or not. Please pray for Tomasita's safety. Also, pray that she can understand that living at Casa MAMi, or a home for women that nuns operate in the area, might be good places for her to live. We pray for Tomasita; she is a defenseless child.
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