RAIN and other challenges
Hi Friends,... Hola Amigos...
It has been raining all week. The girls are taking dancing lessons and preparing a special folk dancing program! so fun!.
With all of this rain their are many mosquitos. It costs to purchase insect repellant. There is an immediate need for bug spray; honestly, the 'no see ums', which is not for mosquitos, but rather for the gnats and bugs that are not visible, is preferred. The AVON company produces a product that repels these kind of bugs is best!!
Also, as you might imagine, calamine lotion and other ointments or lotions for itching are needed. Even antibiotics would be helpful~.
A group from Christ MEthodist in Sugarland Texas will be visiting next week. We have not had many visitors this summer. Also, donations are lower than in previous years. Your generosity is a blessing!!
Another need, is prayer for our teenagers! With summer, we have more free time; the girls older than 14 can become disrespectful and creative; Sister Elma and staff are prayerful to keep all "living in harmony". ..only by the GRACE OF GOD!!! PlEASE JOIN US IN praying for soft hearts, ready to forgive, and submit to elders... not very 'teenage' friendly.
Pictured here are Xochit and Mikey, two staff members, who will celebrate their one year wedding anniversary in August. Xochit works in the day care program. Mikey is the driver, translator (bilingual English Spanish), and handy man.
One friend gave a donation to be used "as needed". Sister Elma said that all CD players were broken. The donation was used to purchase a new, sturdy, CD player which is used to play Christian music, in Spanish!
We truly pray God's blessings upon you as you are faithful to support this ministry. Please know that the staff and Sister Elma seek to lift up Christ to all who live and work in the home. WE thank you for sharing in this work! May God bless you!
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