Welcome, Missioners,
to Casa MAMi.
Casa MAMi MX maintains a home in Reynosa, Casa Hogar MAMi, supported in partnership by Mexicans and Americans to extend love and mercy through Jesus Christ to families who suffer neglect or violence and need protection and provision.
-Mission Statement
In other words, Casa MAMi MX is the name of the US non-profit corporation that is the support arm of the home in Reynosa, Casa Hogar MAMi. “MAMi” is an acronym for Ministerio de Amor y Misericordia, in English: “Ministry of Love and Mercy”. This ministry was founded by Elma Fonseca de Velásquez in 2000 as a street ministry and small shelter for girls. Today it offers day care, a shelter for abandoned mothers with sons, and residential care for up to 50 girls.
We hope your ministry to Casa MAMi will be a blessing to you. We know it will enrich the lives of the girls. Our prayer is that everyone who is touched by this ministry will praise God as they witness the presence of Christ in caring for the poor and oppressed of Reynosa, MX.
About contributions to Casa MAMi MX: Casa MAMi MX is a United States 501 (C)(3) corporation, comprised of American volunteers who care about the ministry of Casa MAMi MX and wish to provide a consistent funding source for its operations. It was established in March 2005 and has a board of directors that meets annually. With God’s help and generous donors, it has been able to provide funds to pay monthly salaries and to match construction expenses with Mexican donors. As the mission statement says, this is a partnership with Mexicans and Americans.
Contributions made to Casa MAMi MX are tax-deductible and applied 100% to the overhead and maintenance of Casa MAMi in Reynosa. You may designate a specific project or budgetary line item; otherwise, your gift will be applied to the monthly salaries of Casa MAMi. Please send your check to:
Casa MAMi MX
P. O. Box 382636
Germantown, TN 38183-2636
Tel: 901-848-6861 E-mail: casamamimx@hotmail.com
Contributions of clothing, etc, may be delivered to Sister Elma Fonseca for delivery to Casa Mami or missioners may deliver them personally to the home. Please send your non-cash contributions to:
c/o Elma Fonseca Tel: 956-821-5025 E-mail: elmafdev@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 5108
105 Sixth Street
Hidalgo, TX 78557
The location and contact information of Casa Hogar MAMi is:
Casa Hogar MAMi
Río Frío 835
Colonia Longoria
Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Tel: 011 52 899 924-5684 Cell: 011 52 899 139-8116
Planning your Trip
Visitors are a blessing to the ministry. We love to make new friends! Repeat visits are especially meaningful. Whether this is your first or fifteenth visit to Casa MAMi, we open our doors to you! These are the steps we suggest, as you plan your trip.
1. Contact casamamimx@hotmail.com. Prior to confirming travel plans, we request that you complete the form “Volunteering with Casa MAMi MX” and return it as soon as possible. A copy of the form is included with this handbook, on page 10. If you are an individual or small group interested in an extended stay, we have some Mexican volunteers who are willing to offer housing. The application process for this kind of commitment is slightly longer and more detailed. It is with the best interest of the children God has placed in our care, and with hope that each volunteer who visits will find their investment of time to be worthwhile, that we consider applications carefully.
2. Plan your travel. Reynosa, Mexico is located across the border from McAllen, Texas. Driving to Reynosa from Houston, Texas, takes about six hours on good highways. Budget one extra hour for the return trip to allow for the border crossing. There are two bridges: Pharr and Hidalgo. The Hidalgo one is closer to Casa MAMi.
There is air service to Harlingen, Texas via Southwest Airlines and others and to McAllen, Texas via Continental Airlines and others. McAllen is closer to Reynosa, but Harlingen is close enough. Depending on group rates, season, and lead time of preparation, these fares may be low (round trip Memphis-Rio Grande Valley) $200 or less or as high as $400.
You may rent a car at the airport. Be sure the rental company knows you intend to take the vehicle into Mexico. There is an extra fee ($29.99 per day) for insurance to drive a car across the border. Sister Elma is often willing to pick you up at the airport or meet and escort you. Contact casamamimx@hotmail.com , who will forward your request to Sister Elma.
Sister Elma shows a new brochure to Chris & Kathy Scruggs of the US
Mexican Board member, Enrique. Board, meet with the Mexican Board.
A blessing of this ministry is the partnership between the Mexican Board of Directors and the US one. Mariza Elizondo, who’s family owns The Best Western El Camino Hotel on Blvd. Hidalgo, serves on the Mexican board of Casa MAMi. Her hotel provides a missionary rate of $45 – 50/night. DO NOT BOOK OVER THE INTERNET if you want this rate, contact casamamimx@hotmail.com , who will forward your request to the hotel. One to four persons may occupy one room. (two full size beds with a shower / bathroom- air conditioned with a nice pool). The hotel is good and hospitable (remember, this is Mexico and not the United States) and safe (remember, this is Mexico and not the United States). A substantial breakfast buffet is available for $7.50 and is recommended.
Breakfast! El Camino Patio
Directions to the El Camino Best Western Hotel and Casa MAMi:
Cross the Hidalgo bridge, in the right lane and keep to the right as you enter Reynosa. Check your mileage and proceed following the main road to the right.
You will see a sign to Monterrey and Laredo.
Pass through a stop sign and veer to the LEFT. You are on a 2 lane road with brush on both sides.
Pass the DIF building on your right and a park with a gazebo on your left. The road curves some.
Pass the sign on your left to the Plaza de Toros. Do not turn. Veer to the left.
Cross the railroad tracks. Cross the canal. There is a ditch on your left.
When you arrive to a street and the Soriana store is on your right, your mileage should indicate that you have gone approx. 2 miles.
Turn left on to the street that runs along the right side of the Soriana parking lot.
Go up the hill, to the 2nd light which is Boulevard Hidalgo; the Gigante grocery store will be on your right. Turn left at this light.
Go two blocks on Blvd Hidalgo, which has an esplanade in the middle, and you will see the hotel, El Camino Best Western on your left. Go three blocks to make a U turn back to the hotel, where you will find a guarded parking lot in the rear.
If you are going to the home, pass the hotel and continue down Blvd. Hidalgo a few blocks to a red light (red/blue building on your right), then take a “soft” right turn (45°) onto Calle Rio San Juan. Then, turn R. on Calle Rio Purificación and a quick left on Calle Río Frío. Casa Hogar MAMi is located in that block at Calle Rio Frio, No. 835.
When driving to the home from the hotel to the home, you do not travel on Blvd Hidalgo, due to the one-way directions and the esplanade. Rather, you leave the parking lot, turn right and take the first right to travel down three blocks before turning right to cross Hidalgo at the light for Calle Rio San Juan. You might find it easier to ask the hotel for directions, or ask a Casa MAMi staff person to meet and guide you.
Doña Mari is the cook. The kitchen Mikey and Xochit married, Aug.
opens to the dining room. A large 2007. They live in the former
pantry with a pure water system is location on Carranza street, where
behind the white door. battered women with sons stay.
Gabi is
The newest
She is pictured with
Anastasia, age 16, a
resident of Casa
MAMi since she
was 11.
Staff & Residents
Sister Elma is the Founder / Director. Karla is the week day administrator and Margarita works weekends; Mikey is the English speaking driver / handyman and his wife, Xochit, works the day care program. The staff of 10 total, includes weekend, week day, and week night educated Christian social workers, nannies and cooks. The older residents have many responsibilities for cleaning and helping in the home. Staff needs are determined by occupancy. We are committed to paying our loving staff well. They are a gift from God!
About Sister Elma: Sister Elma Fonseca de Velásquez had a thriving insurance practice before the Lord laid this ministry on her. She takes no salary and works six days a week at the home(Sunday is her day of rest). Sister Elma was named Woman of the Year 2003 in Reynosa, Mexico, because of her unbiased work with the most needy people of the community.
Sister Elma does not anticipate the adoption of her girls. Mexican law does not provide for termination of parental rights. Sister Elma does not want for the girls a resulting complication. She will give guidance for those who wish to contact the Mexican social services and seek to adopt an infant through those channels.
About the girls: Casa MAMi houses 20-50 girls, ages 1 – 17. (We are authorized to take them as young as 45 days. Usually those little ones are temporary placements.) Almost all the girls come from the poorest neighborhoods of Reynosa, Mexico, commonly referred to as “the Dump.” The girls have tragic stories. Many have been placed in the care of Casa MAMi by the Mexican government (“DIF”). Some are brought to our doorstep. These residential girls live on the second floor of the home. Some stay seven days a week; some go home on weekends. In May of 2007, Sister Elma began a day care program that currently receives 30 children (Kindergarten and younger) from 6 to 6, five days a week. This is a ministry to poor single mothers and is much needed in the Reynosa community.
Some of the girls have significant psychological issues. Some receive therapy at Casa MAMi from certified therapists under contract to DIF. Many have neurological, emotional, or mental handicaps. Those of school age attend public school. Some are permitted to go to their parents/family on weekends. The girls may stay at the home until a safe environment is ready for them. There is a lot of structure in the home but the staff is very loving and helpful. When you are there, feel free to teach, play, sing and pray with the girls and staff.
Margarita & Karla Sister Elma Welcome!
Your mission project: The girls are well-cared for, but have the minimum of everything. The skill sets of your mission team and the will of God should dictate the work you do at Casa MAMi.
We request that, if possible, a Vacation Bible School-type project (music, art, crafts, etc.) with the girls be part of your schedule. Assume no supplies are available. The girls are very interested and willing to participate in these projects.
We also request that your team provide a worship service/experience with the girls. They don’t need anything formal or fancy (or even in Spanish), but just a reminder of God’s love. Prayers in English or Spanish are always appreciated! Don’t be surprised if the girls break into song for you! On Sundays Oscar, a Mexican pastor in the community, brings his vans to take the girls to his church, Shakina Glory, for worship. If you want to join them for this, know that you are welcome!
Food is always needed. Talk to Margarita, Karla or Mikey about any meals you may want to donate or even prepare. We appreciate your involvement and generosity. This is a home and you are a welcomed guest! You are invited to take any meals in the home, as long as the cooks know to plan for your group.
Here are some suggestions for projects. You may think of others. Just let us know in advance of your trip at casamamimx@hotmail.com what you would like to accomplish. The following list is not necessarily current, however, it will give you an idea of ongoing needs in the home.
1) As of June 2008 the second floor is complete and residents have successfully been relocated from the first floor to that area. However, there are projects remaining to complete as not all remodeling is finished.
2) “Rachel Ray:” Our cooks know how to stretch a dollar. Our girls eat a lot of rice, beans and chicken. You might want to make some laminated menu plans (Spanish or illustrations) for low cost but nutritionally superior meals for growing girls. The Gigante and Soriana are two grocery stores nearby where your group may want to shop for food, or supplies you wish to get for the home.
3) “Martha Stewart:” We have very little green space at the home (back patio and courtyard only); however, you might want to beautify and maximize what we have.
4) “Van Gogh:” Recently a group of volunteers painted the downstairs and upstairs. You will admire the murals and art on the walls. Fresh paint is frequently needed.
5) Signage: Signs in Spanish and laminated would be helpful throughout the home.
6) Bathrooms: Mexican water can have a peculiar smell. The bathrooms are clean; however, they could use some enhancements; The second bathroom upstairs is under construction to open it to the early childhoon bedroom. Perhaps you can help with this!
7) The upstairs has a classroom and a large storage room. Volunteers have been busy construction shelving and tables. Contact us to learn of any needs if your group includes carpenters. Books are needed for the library and items for the “tienda”.
8) Carranza Street- the first and temporary location of Casa Hogar MAMi was on Carranza, just a few blocks from the Rio Frio location. Staff, Mikey and his wife, volunteers, and temporarily displaced poor or abandoned mothers with children stay there. It has also served as the “school” location from time to time. If your group feels called to make improvements for this building, let us know!
As you can see, there are many things to do. With God’s help, we will provide for the girls of Casa MAMi and enable Sister Elma to expand her ministry.
If your group is diverse, and you are interested in working in the colonia, building houses, medical clinic work, visiting the juvenile jail, or planning a women’s conference, we can connect you with ministry friends in Reynosa. (Ministerio de Fe, Torre de Oración) You may want to host a sports, music lessons, sewing lessons, or swim clinic. Just let us know!
Thank you for being part of this ministry. This document was last updated 06/08/08.
Visit our blog for more information: http://casamamimx.blogspot.com/
God bless you! Dios les bendiga!
New beds delivered! New friends!
US students, or
Contact us with
a desire to volunteer
for several weeks.
These friends are
a blessing! Please
submit an application
if you are interested.
Rebekah is earning
college credit for this!
Volunteer with Casa MAMi MX
Please return this via email or snail mail to:
P. O. Box 382636
Germantown, TN 38183-2636
Thank you for your willingness to travel to Reynosa to minister at Casa Hogar MAMi. Please answer the following questions and return your reply prior to confirming your travel plans, or purchasing any flights. Your concise and truthful answers are appreciated and confidential.
Volunteer (s)
Name of person completing this form:
Contact information: (email) (cell phone)
Mailing address:
Please give the dates of your proposed visit:
Have you read the Missioners’ Handbook published by Casa MAMi MX?
Describe your travel plans:
Do you need to be met at the airport? Please explain.
Will you have a vehicle to drive while in Reynosa?
Where do you plan to stay while visiting?
Do you need assistance in locating housing?
If you are bringing a group of missioners with you, please describe:
1. Number of people
2. Gender and Ages of people
3. Your association with the group (name of church and your position)
As leader of this group of volunteers, do you vouch for their character as appropriate safe visitors who will not commit harm toward the residents or staff of Casa Hogar MAMi?
Indicate ________ Yes _________ No
If you cannot answer “yes” please explain.
Please submit the names and contact information of individuals who have known you for no less than two years and can vouch for your character as an appropriate volunteer at Casa Hogar MAMi.
Please state the goal of your (or your group’s) visit and describe the ministries you hope to accomplish.
Godparent Sponsorship Program
Casa MAMi , Reynosa, Mexico
Introduction. Casa MAMi MX supports a Christian home for children in Reynosa Mexico, Casa Hogar MAMi (Casa MAMi). For the last several years, Casa MAMi has been improving its management and organizational abilities to assist in meeting the needs of the families it seeks to help. Casa MAMi provides a home for the children, some of who are full-time residents over the course of many years. Some children are orphans; others are placed because they are at risk, abused, or neglected; others are in the day care program; some may spend weekends with their families. In some cases, the Mexican courts or social services place a child in the home; others arrive through personal referral. For each child, Casa MAMi seeks to provide a loving, Christian environment for the children it houses.
MAMi A.C., the Mexican non-profit organization that operates the home, is incorporated under Mexican law. In the United States, Casa MAMi MX is a Texas non-profit corporation. Contributions to Casa MAMi MX are tax deductible under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. A constant need for Casa MAMi is sufficient cash flow for salaries to maintain the excellent staff that is central to the mission of the ministry. In order to provide a means by which individuals, congregations, Sunday School Classes and others can support the home, Casa MAMi has adopted a Godparent Sponsorship Program (Program).
Sponsoring a Child. In order to sponsor a child a sponsoring individual or organization commits to make contributions to Casa MAMi MX in the amount of $25.00 per month, (or any amount above this). Such contributions can be by a one-time gift, quarterly, semiannually or monthly, at the request of the Godparent. For convenience, automatic wired deposits may be arranged through Bank of America.
Sponsored Child. Upon receipt of a request to sponsor a Child, Casa MAMi will designate a particular child to be sponsored by the Godparent. Upon designating a child as sponsored by a particular Godparent, Casa MAMi will send to the donor information about the Child, including the name, sex, age, a picture and other relevant information. This information will be kept confidential by the Godparent and in no event should be posted on any internet site or publicly disseminated in any way. Information regarding a child is private information given to a Godparent for the purpose that he/she might be able to effectively support and pray for the sponsored child. The Sponsor will have the opportunity to write, and purchase Christmas, birthday, and other gifts for the child, if the Godparent so chooses. In addition, staff at Casa MAMi will use its best efforts to see that sponsored children write and communicate with the Godparents, to the extent they are capable of doing so.
Substitute Children. Godparents must understand that, because Children are placed in the home on a temporary and a permanent basis, there is a substantial possibility that a sponsored child will leave the home. Sometimes extended family or restoration of a situation permits a child to return to her home.; on occasion, a family leaves the Reynosa area. When this occurs, the sponsorship will be transferred to a substitute child as soon as practicable and the Godparent will be given information concerning the new child as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, so that it can begin to pray for and support the new child Sponsors must understand that, inevitably there will be delays, and that some of the sponsors monies may be used to support other children pending assignment of a new supported child.
Please e-mail us with your interest in this: casamamimx@hotmail.com
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