Over President's Day Weekend, visitors from far and near arrived to Casa MAMi to deliver beds and serve in many ways. Pictured here, are residents with some of the beds sent from Memphis, Advent Presbyerterian Church. Three men, Gerry, Mike and Sean, drove 18 hours to deliver the new beds. They assembled a couple of junior beds, then turned around to drive home! Gracias!
The girls, ages 2-4, have been sleeping in a bottom bunk with another girl. When the junior bed appeared, one little one immediately went to sleep in it! She was so happy to have a bed that was just her size!
Over 40 friends from Harlingen, Valley International Christian Center came that same weekend to paint the upstairs and down. They also cooked an asado (grilling!) that was wonderful! They painted angels upstairs, plus other drawings of Jesus and the children.
Ingrid is working hard to work with beads. Visitors from Houston were at Casa MAMi over President's Day weekend, to teach and make friends with the girls in the home.
EstefanÃa has lived at Casa MAMi for three years. She is, by God's grace, growing into a happy secure little girl!
Fernanda is one of two of the residents who is in high school. She is bright and has lived at Casa MAMi for four years.
This is a picture of our mission partners from First Presbyterian in Houston.
Grace Johnston, pictured with sleeping Lupita, is a new director of Casa MAMi Mx. She and her husband live in McAllen, TX. We are so thankful that God called them to friendship with Casa MAMi.
Jan Benjamin, pictured here with girls in pink, visited from Houston, Second Baptist Church, with her husband Roberto, a native of Monterrey, MX and daughter Liz. Liz' sorority at the University of Texas, sent gifts at Christmas for all of the girls. Roberto shared these pictures with us! Gracias, Roberto!
On April 15, new board member Larry Bein from Tallassee, AL, Glen Folds, and other friends will go to Reynosa to move the girls into the second floor. All of these shoes, and other belongings, will find a new home upstairs. Larry and Grace were elected as new board members when we met for our third annual meeting in Houston on March 10, 2007. Praise God for His many blessings to Casa MAMi! Please continue to support this ministry with your prayers. Sister Elma plans to begin the day care program when the second floor is ready. As a board, we seek to develop a stronger infrastructure for the ministry and to supply the needed funds for excellent staff and assistance for the operating costs. We hope that as you and your family spend these Lenten weeks, before the week of Passover and Easter morning, you will experience all of God's mercy and presence through the power of the Holy Spirit.
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