Mission Groups and Visitors
We are happy that more groups are learning about the ministry of Casa MAMi and want to visit. In a recent trip, Bruce & Martha Jamison measured the rooms of the second floor and prepared floor plans. Bruce is not an ARCHITECT, but evidently he is not only musically talented, but not too bad at the fine arts either!!
Cherry brought two ceiling fans to donate for the dining room! GRACIAS!! They are not as available for purchase on the MX side of the border. Sister Elma doesn't want any in the bedrooms where there are bunk beds, but she very much appreciated these... as did everyone! A friend of Casa MAMi for many years, Linda Parker of New Way Missions in Florida, is making a trip this month to visit. Once a friend, always a friend in the Lord of Sister Elma and the residents of Casa MAMi!
When Bruce (Brother Bruce from Houston) learned in July that Fernanda was playing the recorder so beautifully, he carried along his flute to show it to her in Oct. She was excited! Then, he found ten more recorders for sale on EBAY, bought them for the girls, and Sister Elma is very excited, hoping that they can learn to play something for Christmas!! As you may have wondered, they were sharing two recorders among several girls, and now will have their own to play!THE LORD LEADS IN WONDERFUL AND CREATIVE WAYS THAT OFTEN MAKE US LAUGH BUT ALWAYS BRING US JOY!
Speaking of our talented girls (doesn't it just bless you to hear about their successes and opportunities!?) The art contest that HSBC Mexico sponsored among casa hogares (homes for children throughout the country) honored a WINNER from Casa MAMi!! Erika won a trip for two to Mexico City. (I am not sure how this will work?!) Her piece is one of the five designs featured in the Christmas card packs (10 cards for $10).
It is our hope that as you plan a visit, you may contact us and we can answer as many questions as possible!! We appreciate your support and love for the families who are helped by Casa MAMi MX.
Regarding the financing of the second floor. Donors are coming forward, Praise the Lord! Given that there was a fire in the laundry room, board members recommended to Sister Elma that there be two stair cases for the second floor. This will, of course, increase the cost considerably, since cement and block is the preferred material. The first floor laundry room will have one washer and one dryer. The second floor laundry room, we hope, will have three washers and three dryers. We are preparing a list of capital needs and hope to publish that soon. Thank you for your prayers!! Let us know if we can send you some Christmas cards! God bless you! WISH LIST TODAY: WE NEED A VAN FOR 15 PEOPLE!
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