What is God doing?
The ministry is so reliant upon God, that when new circumstances are presented we may ask, "What is God doing?", but we are always confident that God is working for good. Currently we are facing a challenge: when the construction money was depleted this fall the architect stopped overseeing the construction and some mistakes were made. Now, a new architect is on the job and his people are more expensive. By God's grace, some large gifts have come forward for construction needs. It is a blessing to have good people to finish the project. We pray that the problems may be corrected and the second floor completed in a professional and competent way.
In the mean time, funds for operational needs are low. I have been wondering just how God would meet this need. Today I learned that our numbers of residents are down: there are only 28 currently living in the home. At first I was disappointed and Sister Elma expained that the same thing happened during the winter months last year. Then, I remembered that we were low on funds for operational needs, so once again, it was an ocassion to PRAISE GOD, for always being in control.
Another blessing Iearned from Sister Elma today, is that Jorge, the husband of Nelli (restaurant owners and friends of the minsitry) just became a believer!! He is, apparently, totally on fire and filled with the Holy Spirit. We will be visiting them next weekend. A small group of us from Houston and Memphis will be in Reynosa Feb. 15-18, 2007. I am excited because for most this is the first time to visit the home. We are looking forward to getting to know the girls and sharing the love of Christ with them.
Also, the annual meeting of the board of directors of the US non-profit will be held on March 10 in Houston. We love to invite friends for lunch, so if anyone wants to join us, just send and email: casamamimx@hotmail.com!
God bless and thanks for the prayers and love! In Jesus' Name!
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