June 30 is the end of our financial year
Three years ago a wonderful organization, Love Never Fails, Intl. (see blog M.A.Mi. A.C. meeting Dec. 2009) adopted Casa MAMi as their primary project outside of the United States. Because of their generous support the ministry has grown and matured. The infrastructure that was rather weak and primitive, before, is strong and well managed today. In spite of the terrible social conditions of the area: violence, poverty, and the escape of much of the middle class from Reynosa to this side of the border, every aspect of the ministry has improved. We, the founders of Casa MAMi MX, and all of the staff and families helped by the home, are forever grateful that God brought Pastor Bill Quinn and the dear people of Love Never Fails, Intl to be instrumental in this work, for a season. They will always remain friends and support the ministry as they are able. But, they are no longer able to provide funding at the same level that they have in the past. This means that we are looking to God to meet the needs in other ways.
Our friends in McAllen, Celia and Maria, meet every week with Sister Elma and Abraham, her office manager and book keeper of four years. They review the budget, expenses, receipts, and needs of the home.
During the tenure of Love Never Fails as guarantor of $10,000 per month for Casa MAMi the boys home was opened, which Casa MAMi MX funded. Please pray as we figure out how to allocate what we have and how to raise more support. We are most grateful to God for the gifts of many loving people who responded to the Holy Spirit by helping Casa MAMi. And, we are confident that He will continue to do this in the months and years ahead. Amen!
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