Saturday, October 17, 2009

God's vision for the future

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord"
Isaiah 55:8

Friends of this ministry: When our board had its fifth annual meeting in March 2009 President Bill White presented a letter comparing how Focus on the Family was led to appoint a successor to Dr. James Dobson, and raised the concern and prayer of what would become of this ministry should Sister Elma not be present. "Out of the blue" some answers to this prayer are appearing. For those of you who are familiar with Casa Hogar MAMi, it will come as no surprise to learn that, just as the opportunity of purchasing the adjacent property came at an unexpected moment, the same is true for future leadership of Casa MAMi.

Last week, on Friday October 9, 2009 a meeting was held in Reynosa to announce that an organization in Ft. Worth, Texas, Love Never Fails International, ( will spend the next six months shadowing Sister Elma and the ministry in Reynosa. God willing, after this period of "get to know you" they will hire a missionary couple to work in the home and Sister Elma's role will change to Vice President. Love Never Fails International primarily ministers to children at risk. They intend to replicate this ministry in new locations along the border of Mexico with Texas. This is a very exciting vision.

There is other news to share: 1) Random violence continues, particularly in Matamoros, where some pastors were kidnapped and their car was stolen. Fortunately, Elma, who travels back and forth across the border several times a week, has not had any problems. 2) The first floor of the home, that has been dedicated to the Day Care program and school for parents as well as kindergarten, has now taken a new direction: young boys, mostly brothers, are also residents. Clothes are needed for these children. 3) So far, there is no news regarding the purchase of the adjacent property. It is our hope that God may use the support from Love Never Fails International to accomplish this. 4) New visitors who are expected to make trips to the home before the end of the year are students from Bowdoin College in Maine, members of Park Street Church Boston, MA ( ), First Presbyterian Church San Antonio, TX ( and Christ United Methodist Church of Sugarland, TX will make a food delivery. 5) The Lions Club of Reynosa is planning a style show to benefit Casa Hogar MAMi.

We appreciate your support, friendship and gifts of love and financial support. May God bless YOUR home. If you did not receive the newsletter from August, I will try to post it here. Thank you for joining us in prayer for all of the staff and children who need protection and kindness and are within the reach of Casa MAMi.


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