Thursday, April 30, 2009

Face masks and Will they close the border?

I just spoke with Sister Elma. She had crossed the border into Texas in order to check her email and take care of some things. She said that the schools are closed in Reynosa and they are keeping everyone inside Casa MAMi, because of the swine flu. In crossing the border everyone is required to wear face masks and gloves. The girls and day care children are fine, as is the staff. They receive very few guests. The post office and most public businesses are closed, as well.

Currently Reynosa is at Level 5 Alert. This weekend authorities will decide if they will move it to Level 6 and close the border.

Everywhere people use face masks and are vigilant to wash hands, clean and disinfect. Most people are staying home if they can. Inside Casa MAMi the girls are reviewing their school work and keeping everything clean. Only those children whose mothers are still going to work come to the day care. Today they had a piƱata. The home is doing well and living on very little. Elma reports that the staff is in good shape too.

Thankfully, we have been able to send the monthly gift of $4,000 to cover salaries since February. Very soon we will be able to accept online donations through PAY PAL on our webpage,

Elma asks that friends continue to pray for the ministry and their community. The violence has been much calmer for the past two months. Now, they face a serious health challenge. She also reports that the situation is changing with the property next door, that we have often hoped might become available for purchase, as an additional playground and space for the ministry. Her prayer is that we (Elma, the board, and ministry) might be able to bless the owners according to God's plan for their lives.

Thank you!


At 2:46 PM , Anonymous Jenni Bass said...

Hi Kathy!
I am Courtney Bass's mom... Courtney and Annie left this morning for Guatemala and are looking forward to winding their crazy summmer up with Casa MAMI MX. Please be in prayer for them over the next 7 weeks. They have much planned and I know God has great things in store for them! They are absolutely praying that the "fajita flu", as Courtney prefers to call it, will be resolved by then, although they come prepared with Tamiflu!
We will continue to pray for God's protection for your staff and the girls!
Jenni Bass

At 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

son unas personas malas no tratan bien a las visitas la recepsionista o como se le llame es una amargada esta de un humor de la patada saquenla o los denunciare directamente con el director de toda la casa entendido

atte: alguien con poder de hacer !!!


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